Project Resources
Study Schedule
Existing and Future Conditions Analysis | January 2022 – April 2022
During this phase, the study team will collect information and data related to the existing conditions of the study area including roadway characteristics, environmental conditions, existing and future land use, existing and future traffic, safety, and stormwater management. Collection and analysis of these elements is necessary to develop and evaluate a reasonable range of alternative improvement concepts that meet the needs of the local community. During this stage, stakeholder interviews and a virtual public meeting will be conducted to collect local input and knowledge about the study corridor.
Define and Analyze Alternatives | April 2022 – July 2022
Utilizing the findings from the existing and future conditions analysis, the study team will develop alternative improvement strategies for the study corridor. Each alternative will be analyzed to compare the associated benefits and impacts. At the conclusion of the analysis and in coordination with local agency staff, a recommended improvement will be selected to move forward for refinement. Results of the analysis will be documented in the final study report.
Refine Recommended Improvements | July 2022 – December 2022
Once selected, the study team will refine the recommended improvements and develop planning level concept plans. The refinements will include identification of stormwater needs, estimated project costs, and define right of way needs to advance the project to the subsequent design phase. At the conclusion of the study, the draft concept plans will be presented during a regularly scheduled council meeting for approval.